This year’s BestFest will be held on Saturday, Oct. 21, at Marktplatz. Gates will open at 11 a.m. and close at 11 p.m.
“This will be our 13th year of BestFest. We feel like after 10-plus years, we’ve got a great day festival with the support of many,” said Event Chairman John Eilers. “We’ve been blessed with good weather and great festival goers for the last few years, and we’re hoping this year will be no different.”
The entry fee includes “all-you-can-eat” sausage, sauerkraut and German potatoes. Tea and other drinks, including beer, water, soft drinks and wine will be available for purchase along with a selection of craft beers. This will give those attending the opportunity to find their favorite beer and sausage combination.
The event features sausage products from Opa’s Smoked Meats of Fredericksburg, Slovacek Sausage and Kiolbassa and beer from various breweries, including Altstadt Brewery, Real Ale Brewing Company, St. Arnold’s Brewing Company and Spoetzel Brewing Company.

Live polka music will be provided throughout the afternoon. The bands performing will include Off The Grid, Fritz Hodde and the Fabulous Six, and Bob Appel.
“Bob Appel will return as our evening entertainment,” Eilers said. “Everyone has enjoyed
Bob and his band for the last two years, and we’re happy to have him back for a great evening of country music for dancing.”
Activities for kids will include pumpkin painting, piñatas and many other games.
The event also includes drawings in which a selection of shotguns, rifles and handguns will be given away along with various other outdoor and hunting-related items.
The night’s final drawing will be for a camouf lage colored 2023 4x4 Kawasaki Mule 4010 Trans.
Tickets for these items are $20 and will be available for purchase before the event and also available for purchase on the day of the event.
Proceeds from BestFest are given to Knights of Columbus Council 9765 for their charitable work within various organizations.
Since the inception of BestFest, the council has allocated money to help sponsor many local organizations, including Habitat for Humanity, the MOM Center, the Hill Country Community Needs Council, the Golden Hub Senior Citizens Center, Fredericksburg Academic Boosters, Fredericksburg Food Pantry, the Boys & Girls Club of the Texas Hill Country, St. Vincent De Paul, New Horizons and the Nebo Wounded Warrior Project.

They have also donated to St. Mary’s Catholic Church ministries such as St. Mary’s School and Adopt-A-Family Christmas programs.
The council has also sent money to Covenant House and provided scholarships for collegebound Gillespie County students.
In addition, the council also aims to support young men in priestly formation, young men and women in the religious life as well as college Catholic center ministries.
For more information about BestFest, visit bestfest.net
2023 BestFest Saturday,
Oct. 21, 11 a.m. to 11 p.m.
Marktplatz, Fredericksburg
Admission Fee
Ages 14+.....................................................................$15
Ages 5-13.................................................................... $5
Children Under 5.................................................. Free
Multi-gun Drawing Ticket...................................$20
Kawasaki 4x4 Drawing Ticket...........................$20
Live Polka Bands and Dancing:
Off The Grid will play from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Fritz Hodde and the Fabulous Six will play from 1:30-5:30 p.m.
Bob Appel will play from 7-11 p.m.