K eeping German tradition and heritage alive are two local choirs — the Arion Men’s Choir and the Hermann Sons Mixed Choir.
This year’s Herbstfest (Harvestfest) is Saturday Nov. 9, starting at 7 p.m., with a social hour or Gemütlichkeit starting at 6:30 p.m.
Arion Männerchor (Arion Men’s Choir), founded in 1908, and the Hermannsöhne Gemischter Chor (Hermann Sons Mixed Choir) have been active in Gillespie County since 1934.
Membership is voluntary and adults who enjoy singing are invited to join in and participate at any time.
Both choirs have weekly rehearsals and performances throughout the year.
The choirs’ repertoire ranges from sacred music to classical masterworks to folk songs.
They jointly present a free-admission public concert in the spring, usually the first Sunday in November, a Herbstfest (Harvestfest) and the first Sunday in May (Maifest).
In addition, they represent Fredericksburg in a yearly Saengerfest (singers’ festival) along with German choirs from San Antonio, New Braunfels and Corpus Christi.
Both choirs also appear regularly at Oktoberfest, and give performances from time to time during the year at nursing and retirement homes.
More information is available by calling Carol Woitalla at 830-997-9671.

Two local German choirs performed for their annual Herbstfest last year. The men’s choir, Arion Männerchor, and mixed choir, Hermannsöhne Gemischter Chor, shared German folk songs that settlers sang 150 years ago.