Z weite Weihnachten on Thursday, Dec.
26, is a time to stretch Christmas over a second day and is honored in Fredericksburg each holiday season.
Hosted by the Fredericksburg German Club, the free event will be held at the Gillespie County Historical Society Hall (old First Methodist Church building), 312 W. San Antonio St., from 2-5 p.m.
Zweite Weihnachten, which means “Second Christmas” in English, is the German tradition of sharing good food, drink, music and fellowship, not just with immediate family, but with friends and the community at large.
Christmas carols will be sung in both German and English. And there will be the traditional baked Stollen, Christmas cookies and warm Glühwein.
This year’s Zweite Weihnachten will fall, naturally, on Thursday, Dec. 26. Young and old are invited to join in the fun and festivities.
Sponsoring entities are the Fredericksburg German Club, the Pioneer Museum (GCHS) and the Fredericksburg -VG Montabaur Sister City Verein.
