A cocktail of gems and minerals will be showcased in January
P et rock owners can bring their minerals to the 56th Hill Country Gem and Mineral Show in January to have geologists classify and identify them. On Saturday and Sunday, Jan. 18-19 inside and outside of Pioneer Pavilion at Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Park, rockhounds will converge to talk and sell fossils, geodes, gems and minerals.
Admission and parking are free for those two days. There will be door prizes, a prize drawing and hourly silent auction.
There will be 20-plus dealers and vendors that will give demonstrations of gem faceting, rock cutting and polishing.
Founded in 1968, Fredericksburg Rockhounds, the show host, is an organization devoted to the study and enjoyment of gems, minerals and fossils.
Gem and Mineral Show Hours:
Saturday, Jan. 18, 9 a.m.-6 p.m.
Sunday, Jan. 19, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
Pioneer Pavilion at Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Park, Texas 16 South, Fredericksburg. www.fredericksburgrockhounds.org
