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Friday, March 14, 2025 at 5:52 PM


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The Hill Country Swap Meet brings vintage car enthusiasts and collectors together in one place to sell, trade and buy anything and everything in the world of vintage automobiles. – Standard-Radio Post/ Brent Burgess
Hill Country Swap Meet attracts vintage, enthusiasts
The area’s biggest swap meet returns this summer as the 2023 Hill Country Swap Meet will be held Friday through Sunday, July 28-30, at Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Park on Texas 16 South. 04/26/2023 03:22 PM
Each year the Peach JAMboree coronates a Peach Queen and Court.
Stonewall celebrates its peaches with the annual JAMboree and rodeo
Every summer, crowds gather in Stonewall on the third full weekend of June to attend the Peach JAMboree, an event that will celebrate its 63rd year in 2023. This year’s event will take place Thursday through Saturday, June 15-17. 04/26/2023 03:19 PM
Cajun invasion in Fredericksburg
Cajun invasion in Fredericksburg
Fans of Cajun food will enjoy themselves in Fredericksburg in late May, at the 2022 Crawfish Festival. Sponsored by the Fredericksburg Jaycees, the 25th Annual Crawfish Festival is held Memorial Day weekend every year at Marktplatz. 04/26/2023 03:11 PM
Schuetzenfest is one of Gillespie County’s longest enduring traditions with a rich German heritage tracing back to the early German immigrants. Participants gather to test their marksmanship and enjoy fellowship.
Gillespie County Schuetzenbund one of the area’s longest traditions
Gillespie County’s German tradition lives on with the 127th Gillespie County Schuetzenfest, scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, July 29-30, at the Grapetown Shooting Range. This year’s event will be sponsored by the Grapetown Eintracht Schuetzen Verein. 04/26/2023 02:59 PM
The Gillespie County Fair parade draws crowds up and down Main Street in Fredericksburg. Each year the fair coronates a Gillespie County Fair Queen and Court.
Texas’ oldest continuous county fair celebrates 135th year. Gillespie County Fair Grounds brings horse racing to town
Gillespie County is coming up on the 135th year of its historic fair, which is set for Thursday through Sunday, Aug. 24-27. 04/26/2023 02:49 PM
Fredericksburg High School students compete with other SystemsGo rocket teams to launch unmanned rockets up to a mile high. – Standard-Radio Post/Brent Burgess
Countdown to launch
SystemsGo was designed with the intent to help students get hands-on experience in rocket science and Fredericksburg High School is a member of the organization. 04/26/2023 02:16 PM
Landing residents, visitors and business
Landing residents, visitors and business
Gillespie County Airport serves as a gateway to the Texas Hill Country for jet setters, aviation hobbyists and visitors alike. 04/26/2023 01:33 PM
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